3 Different Martial Art Myths And The Truth Behind Them

7 Seconds To A Perfect Body

Martial arts are popular worldwide for a lot of different reasons. These factors include discipline, self-defense, and wellness. Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths out there about martial arts. This blog will look at 3 different martial arts myths and the truth behind them (add link to other article when published)

Different Martial Art Myths – 1) Children who practice martial arts grow up to be bullies or become more aggressive themselves.

different martial art myths
different martial art myths

Parents may worry that teaching their children martial arts may lead them to believe that fighting is a solution.
They might also think that putting a child who already acts violently or has behavior problems in martial arts would make things worse.
These statements are completely false.
The ideals that martial arts impart on kids are all opposed to bullying, and they not only promote nonviolent problem solutions (unless as a last option).
Rowdy kids have an outlet via physical exercise. This reduces their propensity to misbehave in public places like schools or among younger siblings.

3 Different Martial Art Myths And The Truth Behind Them Click To Tweet

Different Martial Art Myths – 2) All martial arts include hitting and kicking.

There are forms of martial arts that completely forgo punches and kicks.
Judo emphasizes throws and take downs.
Brazilian jiu-jitsu emphasizes joint locks and chokes.
The goal of wrestling is to take your opponent down and pin them, just as in boxing.
Any kind of punch or kick is prohibited in all three.

On the other hand, there are several martial arts that include a far wider variety of striking than only punches and kicks.
The knife hand strike is a popular tactic used in numerous Korean, Chinese, and Japanese arts. Given that it is thrown with an open, inflexible hand rather than a fist, it isn’t really a punch.. Muay thai also uses elbows and knees.

Other martial arts go extremely insane with the movements you learn (often the self-defense focused ones).
Set aside the punches.
We’re doing things like taking gouges in someone’s eyes, grabbing them by the eyeballs, and chewing off their face.

3) You’ll become as slow as Molasses after doing strength training.

different martial art myths
different martial art myths

The myth that weight training makes you large and heavy and it makes you sluggish is blatant stupidity.

The fact is that being large doesn’t make you sluggish. Being obese slows you down.
You’ll be speedier if you have more muscle and will be stronger as well. Additionally, you’ll be better able to withstand a blow. In other words, strength training has NO drawbacks for martial artists. Your martial arts will get better in every manner.
Start including free weights in your workout plan right now.

We hope you enjoyed this article about 3 different martial art myths and the truth behind them . Be sure to read our other blog posts for more material like this.

Which myth do you have about martial arts that is easily believed.

Be sure to comment and remember Stay Active, Stay Healthy
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